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Breakout Sessions

Check back often as we share more exciting, valuable sessions in the near future.

The Floor is Yours! - Brenda Moore, CFRE


Donor Diversity: How to Conceive, Test, and Optimize a Multicultural Fundraising Campaign  - Ivan Leon


The Generosity Story: A New Page in Christian Giving  - Beth McKinley


X Marks the Spot: Building a Roadmap to Effective Grant Writing - Leah Johnson and Kendra Hernandez


Putting Your Development Tacklebox Together: Learning how to Fish for Gifts in a Big Ocean - Rich Duncan, CFRE, and Emily Dubay


Building a Fundraising Culture - David Fuerst and Vila-Sheree Watson


Think Tank Tactics, Strategy, and Execution: A Case Study on Meaningfully Involving Corporate Partners in Your Ministry and Mission - Danielle Ward, M.B.A., CFRE, and Patricia Mook, M.S.N., RN - Atrium Health

Neuromarketing for Nonprofits - Geoff Peters

Major Gift Success Begins With Donor Acquisition - Derric Bakker and Andrew Olsen, CFRE

Rekindled to Respond - From Crisis to Unprecedented Growth - Beth Nelson Chase, CFRE, and Andrew Steele

Is Your Organization a Culture Magnet? - Brooke Hodnefield and Andy Garlich

The Current State of Donor Retention and What You Can Do About It - James Goalder

How to Make Your Donors Feel Appreciated - Kristine Miller, CFRE

Fundraising/Stewardship 101 - Mike Ward, CFRE, and Clyde Walter, CFRE


Developing Your Board or Council to Effectively Lead and Be Prepared - Anne Rieck McFarland


Building Your Case for Support - Paul Marsh, CFRE, and Jennie Wolf Smith, CFRE


Telling Your Story for Impact Follow Up - Mitzie Schafer, CFRE


How to Ask - Paul Marsh, CFRE


Strategic Planning and its Intersection With Fundraising - Jennie Wolf Smith, CFRE

Elements of a Successful Campaign - Lacey Young

Reduce Dependency on Year-End and Episodic Giving With AI Driven Real Time Modeling of Donor Sentiment - Steve Goodman

God’s Word - Where Faith & Fundraising Meet - Brianne Gerzevske, CFRE

How to Listen for Planned Gifts - Rev. Dr. John Eggen, CFRE, and Stephen Phelps, CFRE

Earning Our Profession's Credential: The A - Z of Becoming a CFRE - Elliott Williams, CFRE

Amplify Your Fundraising by Putting Personalized Donor Communications to Work - Mike George

Subscription Philanthropy: Breakthroughs in Sustainable Giving - Dave Raley

Leading From the Second Chair - Matthew Schultz

Pairing Planned Giving and Endowment for Future Support of Your Mission - Cindy Aegerter, CFRE

What do Digital Fundraising and "Moneyball" Have in Common? - Beth Cathey, CFRE

Must Have Pillars of a Thriving Major Gifts Program - Karen Kendrick

Mercy Before Money: Inclusive Fundraising Practices - Yolanda F. Johnson

Planned Giving With a Shoe String Staff and Shoe String Budget - Bryan Clontz

Blog With Purpose – Turn Stories Into Donations - Joe Frye

Finding Serenity in Uncertain Financial Times - Donald Hale

Creating Brand First Donor Experiences - Ted Vaughn

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